Programs For Calculator Hp 50g카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 28. 13:21
DownloadsIMPORTANT: If you're planning to use the Connectivity Kit to install the software on your HP 50g with the USB cable; please read this document for setup instructions:.SGS COGO+ LiteCOGOlt48.zip and COGOlt50.zip each include the three library files (L930.HP, L931.HP and L932.HP) necessary to install and run COGO+ Lt. The files for the 48gii are designed for the smaller screen, otherwise the programs for the 48gii and 50g are nearly identical.SGS COGO+ StandardCOGOstd.zip includes all necessary files to install and run COGO+ Std.SGS COGO+ ProCOGOpro.zip includes all necessary files to install and run COGO+ Pro.Download the. “This software is excellent. I have been a user of various HP-based cogo programs (TDS, SMI, etc.) for over 25 years, and this is better than all of them.
I have had COGO+ since version 2.12.Where else can you communicate directly with the developer, who obviously has a passion for the product, as evidenced by the regular upgrades.The software is robust and full-featured (I especially appreciate the 'complex' bearing/distance entry, which allows for multiple arithmetic operations to be performed simultaneously with coordinate input). The leveling program is also excellent.The combination of features, support/upgrades, and price is untouched anywhere else.”. “I’ve been using various surveying programs in Hewlett Packard calculators for nearly 30 years.
In that time I have never been quite satisfied, there always seemed to be something missingsomething that didn't seem quite right.Then along came the HP50G and COGO+.COGO+ is an excellent program that offers what you need via a very intuitive, menu-driven interface. It’s all there.traverse, inverse, intersections.the area function can even plot the figure and then export to a dxf file so you can import it into your CADD software!The data manipulation is a breeze, too. You can import/export coordinates and point descriptions and go back and forth with your desktop using an SD card. Say you have 200 points in your CADD/geometry software you want to stake in the field.
Just dump the coordinates into a text file, put the data in the proper format, stick the file on an SD card and suck it right into COGO+. Simple is good is simple.Jacob’s software is, in my opinion, the best we have. I wish he was older and had written it for the HP48 years ago!!”. “COGO+ is amazing as I have been used various calculators software (Casio, Psion organizer, etc.) for more than 24 years extensive experience on field and land surveyors management, and the COGO+ since its early version approve to be the best one for both site and office work as the interface user friendly and running step by step to guide you for the perfect solutions moreover the developer (Mr. Jacob Wall) very active and to help any user immediately without delay as far I deal with him since 2011 and he can accept any valuable idea for developing the software, congratulation Jacob for the continuous successes.”. Below are brief descriptions of all the functions available in COGO+ Pro.
The columns on the right indicate which editions of the software include the function.COGO FunctionsLtStdProPoint Traverse. Standard Mode - A complete COGO solution. This command line style of program handles everything from simple direction and distance point creation to all types of intersections to full inversing of points. Sideshot Mode - A scaled down point creation tool. By specifying a starting point and backsight point, points may be calculated by entering an angle right/left, a distance and optional offset.
The point can be stored as a Sideshot or Traverse Point.✔✔✔Inverse. Inverse Points - Find the direction, horizontal and slope distances, slope and coordinate differences between two points. Easily convert metric imperial with a single key press, and calculate coordinates of any station and offset between the two points when you provide the station at either point.
Inverse Curve - Find all the curve elements by entering points at the beginning and end of the curve, the radius point and the direction of the curve. Coordinates of any station and offset along the curve can be calculated by providing the station at BC, EC or the PI of the curve. Inverse Angle - Calculate the turned angle at a station by entering the station, backsight and foresight points. Distances to both backsight and foresight are also calculated. Inverse Point to Line - Enter 2 points along a baseline and a offset point to calculate the offset distance perpendicular to the line, the distances along the baseline that offset point is perpendicular.
Optionally create a point at the perpendicular intersection. Inverse Point to Curve - Enter beginning of curve and end of curve points, a radius point and a offset point to calculate the offset distance perpendicular to the curve, the distances along the curve that offset point is perpendicular.
Optionally create a point at the perpendicular intersection. Inverse Point to Alignment - Choose a defined alignment and then enter point numbers to inverse that point to the design. Station, offset and cut/fill information is displayed. Only available in COGO+ Pro.✔✔✔Intersections Being-being, bearing-distance, distance-dearing, and distance-distance intersections can be calculated from one input form by specifying the known information. Offsets can be used to create offset intersections, etc.✔✔✔Area by Points. Calculate the area of a polygon by entering the points along the perimeter. Curved and straight segments can be used.
Plot the area polygon on the screen. Export a DXF file of the polygon.
Calculate pre-determined areas by sliding bearing and hinge point methods. Only available in COGO+ Pro.✔✔✔Fit Points. Straight Line - Calculate the least squares line that best fits a series of points (linear regression). The direction (azimuth/bearing) of the line and its standard deviation, the Y-Intercept and its standard deviation, and correlation are calculated. Perpendicular offsets can be viewed for each point and the points can be shifted to fall on the line. Circular Curve - Calculate the radius and the coordinates of the radius point of the least squares circle that best fits a series of points. When providing points along one or both tangents, the program will also solve the BC and/or EC point coordinates.
Programs For Calculator Hp 50g Printer
It is possible to enter a radius for the curve that differs from the best-fit radius and recalculate a new least squares circle with the fixed parameter.
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Programs For Calculator Hp 50g Calculator
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