Iran021 Serial Fatmagul카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 19. 03:09
For fans of What is Fatmagul’s Fault? Episodes with English subtitles are no longer available publicly online. I have found a site that is privately hosting the episodes.In order to watch the episodes, you must subscribe to my blog and be logged in. The videos are hosted on someone else’s site and I have no control if/or when they will be removed.UPDATE: I used to have the full two seasons of What is Fatmagul’s Fault but unfortunately the episodes 24 to 80 are no longer available from the video hosting company. I will keep the videos that are still working on my site.
Iran021 Video Center
If they are also removed from the original video hosting company, then I will be forced to take the pages down.Thanks for those who have shown their support! I will eventually stop as I have a very busy schedule and this is only a hobby for me.Episode 21 SynopsisIn this episode, Hayda reveals to Mustafa that she lied to him about not finding Fatmagul.
In her jealous rage, she gives him Fatmagul’s address.To watch the Arabic dubbed version,. Check out my book which is a feature film.
If you missed previous episodes,.Zevk almak, Enjoy. Episode 21 Season 1 – What is Fatmagul’s Fault? – English subtitles (full episode)About What is Fatmagul’s Fault?The popular Turkish TV series What is Fatmagul’s Fault? Is one of my favourite Turkish soap operas. The story is about Fatmagul (which means Fatma-Rose) a young beautiful girl from Izmir who on an unfortunate night is raped by three young men from rich and powerful families high on drugs and booze while their friend Kerim watches. An old Turkish law states that the rapist cannot be charged if he marries his victim. In order to save themselves from incarceration, the three rich boys’ parents pressure Kerim to marry Fatmagul.