
  • X-chat Aqua Bugs 135 0.15.2. For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 06:37

    Please Search Prior To Posting! There are many applications already listed. In all likelihood, this includes the one you are thinking of. Please check the existing answers to avoid duplicates, and the resulting cleanup it necessitates. To search, use the search box in the upper-right corner. To search the answers of the current question, use inquestion:this.

    For example: inquestion:this Evernote If it hasn't already been posted, please follow a few simple rules when adding it as an answer. Rules. Limit to one application per answer. Add a short description of the application. Add a link to the website in the name of the application if possible (no direct downloads). Use ## appName(link) for citing the application name.

    Only Mac OS X (not iOS, OS 9, compatible, etc) applications. All versions of OS X are accepted, but if the application requires a specific version please note. (3) The problem with subjective questions is they lose relevance much more readily. The answer to a specific problem generally remains the same as the days go on.

    The answers to a subjective question such as this generally become less relevant in the face of time. A new user coming across an un-pruned thread may be lead astray because a once revered piece of software has fallen in disgrace or otherwise been supplanted by a superior tool, but the only way they would know this is if they read all X number of pages to the thread. muddybulldog. 1 A lot of people (especially newcomers) completely overlook what the humble built-in Preview app can do. Apart from handling PDFs (including printing them in various layouts etc), you can join PDF files together with it (open the sidebar and start dragging pdf files into it, rearrange pages etc). You can crop & resize images, adjust colour & saturation (etc), save as different image format and even add text & simple diagrammatical annotations to pictures.

    Portable X-Chat Aqua 0.15.2r1.0 - X-Chat Aqua packaged for portable devices. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate. Download, install, or update Portable X-Chat Aqua for Mac from MacUpdate. Posst questions, tips, suggestions, clues, helps, bugs to our OS X Portable Applications support forum. Additionally, the Update Aquatic was released for the Education Edition in the 1.4.0 update on June 12, 2018. The update was also released for Minecraft China. It was released on mobile devices on July 6, 2018, and on PC on July 10, 2018. Installation Instrucitons: Just drop this file to Application --> X-Chat Aqua ----> Plugins. Just drop it there and start x-chat To 'show-off' your mac in the #chatrooms, simply type /macinfo - Please dont spam.

    Like a lot of the built-in software, there's an awful lot of flexibility that you simply don't appreciate at first because it's hidden in the GUI - as opposed to huge nested menus of functions, you have to try things with the mouse - often things just work! 1 http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/apps-and-utilities.html#preview.

    (6) @Cameron - sure, I didn't get this at first. It's not totally intuitive. First, open a PDF document. Press Shift-Cmd-D (or select View Sidebar from View menu).


    Now drag another PDF file (from Finder, Desktop etc) onto the PDF file you can see in the sidebar (drop your 2nd doc on top of the 1st, not into blank area of sidebar). Preview will join the documents together (you can revert, or save, save as, etc). All of the pdf stuff seems to be driven through the sidebar. Let me know if you get it, otherwise I'll try make a little online tutorial.:-) - robsoft. 1 Growl is a well-known 'notification' system for the Mac; many different programs support Growl and will pass notifications to it.

    You have a surprising degree of control over how the notifications appear, how they group themselves together, how they are dismissed from the screen etc. This can be configured universally or on an app-by-app basis, so it's very flexible. One of the most useful features for me has been the way you can configure it to send notifications to selected other Macs on the network - I can leave one of my Macs doing something (such as downloading a large file) while I'm using my other Mac, and when the first Mac has finished doing its stuff the notification will pop-up on the Mac I'm in front of. Growl is free, though you can donate to the cause! Programs that can use Growl include Coda, Dropbox, Firefox, Handbrake, NetNewsWire, SuperDuper!, Transmit, and also Mail & Safari (via helper plugins).

    1 http://growl.info/. 1 Alfred is a productivity application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before. It's a wonderful piece because it enables you to:. Increase your productivity by launching apps with shortcuts.

    Instant access to web searches, bookmarks & more. Browse and play music from your iTunes library quickly. Perform actions – copy, move & email files & folders. Ward off RSI – skip using the mouse with easy shortcuts 1 http://www.alfredapp.com/. 1 The Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for 'BOMArchiveHelper.app', the built-in archive unpacker program in Mac OS X. The Unarchiver is designed to handle many more formats than BOMArchiveHelper, and to better fit in with the design of the Finder.

    It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non-English versions of other operating systems. Supported file formats include Zip, Tar-GZip, Tar-BZip2, RAR, 7-zip, LhA, StuffIt and many other more and less obscure formats. 1 http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html. 1 Pages is both a streamlined word processor and an easy-to-use page layout tool.

    It allows you to be a writer one minute and a designer the next, always with a perfect document in the works. With great-looking templates, easy-to-create formulas, and dynamic tables and charts, spreadsheets suddenly make perfect sense. Create your presentation in Keynote, and you’ll be a hard act to follow. Powerful yet easy-to-use tools and dazzling effects put the show in slideshow.

    I use iWork constantly. Both on my Mac and iPad. It's just great:D 1 http://www.apple.com/iwork/.

    1 Sublime Text has grown to become my favorite GUI code editor. It feels like a spiritual successor to TextMate (even allowing support for some TextMate bundles like snippets and themes), and has many original+natural features like fully independent text cursors, a very nice search feature, and a rapidly-growing plugin API and surrounding community.

    I liked it so much I wrote an 2 plugin. 1 2 http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1515&p=6888#p6888. 1 Skitch allows you to take screenshots on your Mac, edit them and share them with others.

    It makes the sharing process seamless by making it a natural workflow to send the image (with edited arrows and other highlights helpful to your client) to them via email or automatic website uploads. It is especially popular with the designer community, as they show their clients rough drafts of their work in a nearly automated process. It makes it simple to work remotely with someone and pass on work revisions and get feedback quickly. Other uses include:.

    Snap a website. Capture a chat moment.

    Screenshot an application. iSight snap your bad hair day. Quickly sketch an idea. Tap into your iPhoto Library. Re-open images from your Skitch History 1 http://skitch.com/. 1 Coda is the only web-language-text-editor I like.

    It does everything you really need for web applications. It remember some common part of code in clips that you can load just by typing their tag name, it completes your html tags, it shows you the list of functions with related variables and autocomplete, it has the powerful Transmit ftp engine built in, it has a great visual CSS editor, it allows you to personalize the text colors and it has HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP doumentation maulaus available from within the application. Never seen all these features in just one application! From the developer's website: So, we code web sites by hand.

    And one day, it hit us: our web workflow was wonky. We’d have our text editor open, with Transmit open to save files to the server.

    We’d be previewing in Safari, adjusting SQL in a Terminal, using a CSS editor and reading references on the web. “This could be easier,” we declared. “And much cooler.” 1 http://www.panic.com/coda/.

    1 TextWrangler is the (free) powerful general purpose text editor, and Unix and server administrator’s tool. It is a powerful and richly featured tool for composing, modifying, and transforming text stored in plain-text files. Among other things, it can open files from (and save them) to remote FTP and SFTP servers, offers a powerful grep engine, supports multi-byte and non-Roman text files, can perform Find Differences on pairs of files or folders, and can be invoked from the Unix command line.

    1 http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/. 1 For listening to music off the internet. This definitely has become one of the pieces of software I would first install (on a Mac or any other computer). Note: Spotify is available only in some countries; currently: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

    The 2 has 3. 1 2 3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotify#Geographicavailability. 1 GUI Subversion client. From their website: Versions provides a pleasant way to work with Subversion on your Mac. Whether you're a hardcore Subversion user or new to version control systems, Versions will help streamline your workflow. I will say up front that it doesn't inherently support all of Subversion's features, but it does make managing source code and important document for solo developers and small groups much, much easier than dealing with the command line. It's one of the three apps that gets opened with my 'AM' script.

    1 http://versionsapp.com/. 1 Yet another password manager (actually, probably the first one online, I believe prior to 1pass) that integrates well with every browser (well, at least Safari, Chrome and Firefox). You have even an option to use yubikeys with it. I use it for long time and it's just amazing. It does everything I would expect and little more. It monitors when you change password, have a KB of websites and really gets almost all of them, while allow you to configure whenever field with login and password you want.

    And it's multiplatform. Back in 2010 it bought Xmarks and must integrate with that as well. It's completely free to use but it does offer a premium subscription for extra (and unnecessary) features. I personally paid for it as a donation, since I really never use the features.

    1 http://lastpass.com/. @Bryson Nope, no security breach. Lastpass recently had a supsect of anomalous behavior on their network and they took preventive measures about it. Nobody ever complained on losing anything stored on lastpass as far as I know, and that measure was very well seem and documented on the web. Just look for it.

    You can't arguee with this app's effectiveness, UI or service, but I can arguee against a lack of offering backup from my point of view - which reminds me of Crashplan vs Carbonite, the later being the pop-pretty one, but the former being the rock-solid-actually-much-better solution. 1 I know a lot of people use Adium, and I did too for a long time. But iChat just does what I want and does it slightly more elegantly, so I switched. I personally can't live without:. audio and Video calls;. it can stay in the menu bar without launching the application, and log in at startup (if you are familiar with UNIX, it's like a daemon mode);.

    support for Jabber. I also use it for MSN via a 2, which basically lets me connect to MSN through a jabber 3, integrating the two seamlessly. Since there are a lot of 4 – for ICQ and AIM (which, by the way, are also supported natively in iChat), IRC, Gadu-Gadu, QQ and of course MSN – 5. 1 2 3 4 5 http://mac.appstorm.net/how-to/internet-howto/using-multiple-im-protocols-with-ichat/. Activity Monitor A task manager, a utility for performing different tasks to a computer processes, in the Mac OS X operating system.

    Some of its functions include:. Quitting or 'killing' a computer process. Viewing the computer's CPU load. Checking the amount of random access memory in use or swapped out. Checking the amount of hard disk read-ins and write-outs. Checking the capacity of storage devices.

    Monitoring the computer's network usage. Inspecting running computer processes. Viewing a process identifier number. Viewing information about a particular process. 1 (Free) Associate to an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, through their 2 this is the best solution to see all your downloaded movies in your devices. There is a Windows version as well. Added Since iOS 4.3, iTunes Home Sharing is now available for all iDevices, and there is no need of having Air Video, though, you wil need to import all your movies into iTunes in order to be accessible cross network.

    For me, I will still stick with Air Video for a long time:o) 1 2 http://itunes.apple.com/app/air-video-watch-your-videos/id306550020?mt=8. 1 gfxCardStatus is an open-source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand. (free, donationware) If you have a dual-GPU MBP, you absolutely NEED this program! Did you know that some common applications such as Skype enable your high-powered Nvidia graphics card the entire time they're running? I use it to force my MBP to switch to the power-saving Intel graphics chip when I'm on battery. It adds an extra hour or so of battery life which would otherwise be wasted just because I keep Skype online for chatting.

    1 http://codykrieger.com/gfxCardStatus/. 1 I have a hard time using a Mac without it these days. How does anyone - especially a programmer - work without having the pulse of their Mac at their fingertips? How else do you tell when your browser is stuck or is really downloading something, if you can't see the network traffic?

    When the computer pauses, and you want to know if it's working, just look at the menu to see that the CPU gauges are pegged at 100% - and much of that is in the kernel. At a glance, I can instantly see that memory consumption has rocketed up, and with a click I can see that I'm heavily into swap space. It's just so useful. 1 http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/menumeters/. 1 This program is, in some ways, the embarrassing bastard child of the audio world. It's an underpowered, feature-crippled version of Logic, one of the best-regarded multitracking applications in the recording world. Nonetheless, Gagareband is very powerful, and does what I need it to do.

    While I'd appreciate more flexibility (tempo matching would be nice, and the ability to change time signatures within a project), and the program doesn't handle multiple layers of effects as well as I'd like, it performs brilliantly at what it does do, and it's insanely easy to learn. Garageband is one of the main reasons I haven't ditched my G5 Mac for a Windows or Linux machine I took so long to replace my G5 mac. (Now I use GB and Logic on a Macbook Pro.) 1 http://www.apple.com/garageband. 1 I'm amazed it hasn't been mentioned as an answer already. It's saved my data on more than one occasion from catastrophic hard drive failure.

    From its website: SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless. Its incredibly clear, friendly interface is understandable, easy to use, and SuperDuper's built-in scheduler makes it trivial to back up automatically.

    It's the perfect complement to Time Machine under Leopard and Snow Leopard, allowing you to store a bootable backup alongside your Time Machine volume—and it runs beautifully on both Intel and Power PC Macs! 1 http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html. 1 A free software, cross-platform digital audio editor and recording application (from Wikipedia). If you want to record plain old audio onto your computer, Audacity is a pretty easy way to do it.

    (Apple's optical drives from the past several years have implemented 2 in firmware, rather than simply software, so I can't play back DVDs from multiple regions on my Mac. It's a laptop, so 'just buy a second DVD drive' isn't really feasible, and I'm not brave enough to try flashing it with a third-party firmware. Plugging in my DVD player to my Mac is quick and easy, though!) 1 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVDregioncode. 1 OnyX is a (free) multifunction utility for Mac OS X which allows you to verify the Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of system maintenance, to configure some hidden parameters of the Finder, Dock, QuickTime, Safari, Mail, iTunes, Login window, Spotlight and many Apple’s applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of files and folders that may become cumbersome and more. I've seen this utility majorly improve the performance of Mac OS X. I run it about once a month to automate maintenance scripts and it's helped identify problems like the need to repair a disk several times.

    A very useful and effective tool. 1 http://www.titanium.free.fr/index.php. 1 Amazing background app for quickly accessing and adding events to your mac's calendar. Supports Caldev Sync to keep your mac's calendar always up to date, as well as natural writing event creation. Bring up fantastical with a keyboard shortcut, and then type out your new event.

    Hit return and it's in. Quickly view all the upcoming events for the next month and beyond.

    Next time you open iCal, all of your data will remain intact as Fantastical works with your software in the background. 1 http://flexibits.com/fantastical. 1 (Uses the same principles as 2, but free) This application will let you resize and move your windows without having to using a mouse. Here are some of things you can do with Shift It:. Shift the focused window to left/right/top/bottom half of the screen.

    Resize the focused window to fill the whole screen. Move the focused window to the center of the screen. Shift It is a great tool that lets you organize your windows.

    Now you can read documents side-by-side without having the pain of manually resizing the windows. 1 2 http://irradiatedsoftware.com/sizeup/. 1 Geektool allows you to put a tail of your syslog on the desktop, or the output of some command, or some graphic/chart/picture. It's a bit like a more single-minded Dashboard for your desktop. You can make awesome clocks, or beautiful server monitoring, or just a fortune cookie (if you install fortune with HomeBrew). It's not perfect (it would need sticky borders, continuous command output and sane multi-monitor behavior for that) but it's a lot of fun, using little resources. 1 http://projects.tynsoe.org/en/geektool/.

    1 MusicBrainz is an audio file metadata (or 'tag') editor. It has options for both automatic and manual modification of audio metadata. It's cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) and written in Python and is the official MusicBrainz tagger.

    Picard supports the majority of audio file formats, is capable of using audio fingerprints (PUIDs, similar to other fingerprinting apps like Shazam and SoundHound), performing CD lookups and disc ID submissions, and it has excellent Unicode support. Additionally, there are several plugins available that extend Picard's features. 1 http://musicbrainz.org/doc/PicardDownload. 1 Because it's still my favourite browser. After having used it on Windows for eight years, I took it with me when I 'switched' four years ago. Browsers are always subjective, but I like Opera because I rely on its single-key shortcuts, used its mouse gestures a lot before I moved over to a glass trackpad, I have dozens of tabs open at any time, it has session handling, bookmark syncing, and dozens of other neat, small things.

    And everything is built in and just works. I could probably get Firefox to do everything Opera does for me, but it would be a hassle, and it would be even slower than it already is without any extensions. I could never get Safari to do everything I need. 1 http://www.opera.com. 1 We still need to learn how to play nice with windows systems (and filesystems). I use this to access my NTFS drives.

    NTFS-3G is a stable, read/write NTFS driver for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, QNX, Haiku, and other operating systems. It provides safe handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems. A high-performance driver is available commercially for embedded devices. 1 http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-download/.

    1 A very powerful backup application that allows you to backup to external drives, other computers, and/or their own cloud at a very reasonable price. It has an impressive compression rate and allows you to create multiple backup sets to backup different data to different locations.

    It has a well-designed interface and allows you to specify scheduled or continuous backups. It offers versioning and 448-bit encryption. For a home user the software is free to use if you choose not to backup to their cloud. 1 http://www.crashplan.com.

    1 Technically this is both an iOS and Mac OS X application. What it does is let you use your iPad as a second monitor with your Mac. When I am using my Mac my iPad isn't usually in use (unless a family member stole it) so I use Air Display to make it useful while I am using my Mac. You get a 1024x768 or 768x1024 display that rotates and flips automatically - like you would expect. The Mac portion is free, but you buy the iPad App. Runs with Windows too.

    Operates over WiFi, but you can always create a private network if one does not exist or it is too slow! 1 http://avatron.com/apps/air-display/. 1 For web developers who develop websites locally on their Mac. VirtualHostX manages your Apache Virtual Hosts and enable the use of domain names that point to your local machine (even non-routable domain names.) VirtualHostX does this by managing your Mac's hosts file and your Apache httpd.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf config files.

    It even supports MAMP (although I don't use MAMP.) It's one of my top 5 favorite apps and one I'd hate to do without. I use it every time I start a new project! 1 http://clickontyler.com/virtualhostx/.

    1 Plex bridges the gap between your Mac and your home theater, doing so with a visually appealing user interface that provides instant access to your media. Plex can play a wide range of video, audio and photo formats as well as online streaming audio and video.

    The real power of Plex is found in its library features: Organize your media into versatile libraries, automatically retrieve metadata from the Internet, and display your libraries using one of the visually stunning skins. Plex has all but replaced VLC as my primary media application. 1 http://www.plexapp.com/about.php. 1 muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface.

    It runs on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux,.BSD, Solaris.). Here's a non-exhaustive list of what you'll find:. Virtual filesystem with support for local volumes, FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, HTTP, Amazon S3, Hadoop HDFS and Bonjour. Quickly copy, move, rename files, create directories, email files. Browse, create and uncompress ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb and LST archives. ZIP files can be modified on-the-fly, without having to recompress the whole archive.

    Universal bookmarks and credentials manager. Multiple windows support. Full keyboard access. Highly configurable.

    Available in 23 languages: American & British English, French, German, Spanish, Czech, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Italian, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Slovak, Japanese, Swedish, Danish, Ukrainian and Arabic. Free Software (GPL) 1 http://www.mucommander.com/. 1 The absolute KING of creative tools. Sure, the price is a bit up there, although there really isn't anything that can touch the versatility of having seventeen applications at your disposal.

    I've used some of these tools since their very existence (Illustrator, Photoshop) and I honestly can't imagine working without them. It would be difficult to describe what they all do; infinite possibilities. Photoshop Extended, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat X Pro, Flash Professional, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Contribute, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, OnLocation, Encore, Bridge, Device Central, Media Encoder, Media Encoder ◆ I'm a bit shocked this is just now making it's debut here. 1 http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/mastercollection.html.

    1 Bowtie (free) is a little app for controlling iTunes and Last FM. It comes with several features, and it's really well done. Here's a brief description from its webpage. Bowtie is a free application that allows you to control iTunes and your iPhone (requires 99¢ companion app) with customizable shortcuts, submits your songs to Last.fm with support for Loving and Banning, and sports a very simple, yet very powerful, HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript theming system. It's got some pretty cool 'Bowlets', or little controllers/information displayers that can sit on the screen. There are plenty to choose from (these are just a few I have downloaded from the theme browser): This is one of my favourite (PaperRift by creeze): Download on 2. 1 2 http://itunes.apple.com/app/bowtie/id404387136?mt=12.

    1 From their site: Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Bark intelligently brings notifications from Growl into Notification Center under OS X Mountain Lion. Much like 2, Bark forwards your Growl notifications to Notification Center in Mountain Lion. The catch though is it forwards them not as 'Growl Notifications', but as notifications from the actual app that sent them, making the experience totally seamless. Screenshots might make it more clear. I reckon Bowtie and Coda 2 don't support Notification Center natively, but with Bark this is what you get: And on notification center they look like this: Correct icons, correct grouping, the plugin is completely free and works with the newer versions of Growl (App Store versions).

    Definitely worth checking out! PS: Coda 2.0.3 I think now supports Notification Center natively, but you get the idea. 1 2 http://collect3.com.au/hiss/. 1 from the webpage: 'Rulers' allows you to create rulers on the entire screen area like most common graphic editors allow on their working areas only. The guide lines enable you to measure and position objects with precision. Rulers is incredibly useful in many fields, such as computer graphics, desktop publishing and web design.

    Rulers can also be used to select a screen area and take a screenshot that is automatically saved to your desktop or copied to system clipboard. 1 http://www.omnidea.it/rulers/. 1 Vox is a little and simple music player for Mac OS X with support for many file types, including FLAC, MP3, AAC, Musepack, Monkey's Audio, OGG Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV, IT, MOD, XM, Games Music and many others. Includes numerous effects like Equalizer, Reverb, Time Stretch, Pitch Shift, Echo. Moreover, all supported files can be exported to AAC+, Apple Lossless, WAV and other formats with enabled effects. This is one truly awesome little app which is sadly not well-known. I'd even say Vox was one of the reasons I switched to Mac.

    Nothing but the essentials for a music player. Besides, it offers some nice audio features (e.

    Resampling with antialiasing) as well as built-in Last.fm integration and nifty controls in menubar. I prefer to organize my music in folders by artists and albums and not bother with music libraries used in most modern audio players, so Vox's ability to play all files in a folder is the single most important feature to me. If you feel that iTunes has grown far too big for a music player or just don't like messing with audio libraries you should really give Vox a try. 1 http://voxapp.didgeroo.com/. I've tried Readiris many times since maybe version 7, and after many hours and a LOT of money, I hate the program with a passion. Perhaps version 12 is wonderful, but to my mind this is a very un-Mac-like program that not only produces poor results, but also crashes and corrupts itself.

    The developer cares very little about the Mac, and progress has been slow. I used it because despite this horrid performance, it was the best OCR app available. Luckily I don't do OCR much anymore, and while I hope Readiris has improved, I am a skeptic. 1 Sloth is a graphical frontend for the console tool lsof. If don't know what that is, it doesn't matter! Sloth makes it easy to find out which applications are using which files. Sloth displays a list of all open files and sockets in use by all the applications your user account is running on the system.

    This list is presented along with the names of applications using the file and their process IDs. Includes support for regex list filtering, process killing, sorting and more. 1 http://sveinbjorn.org/sloth. 1 Zooom/2 is a Mac desktop utility that redefines how you can resize, move and align your application windows - making you faster and more productive. On many X-based desktops (such as KDE and Gnome) you can resize windows from any side, move windows by clicking anywhere on the window, and switch windows simply by pointing your mouse.

    Zooom/2 brings the same functionality to Mac, and I can no longer live without it. For example, in my configuration I hold Shift-⌘ and click anywhere in a window to move it.

    No more hunting for the menu bar or the resize corner! 1 http://coderage-software.com/zooom/. 1 is a utility that provides an alternative to the Dock.

    X-chat Aqua Bugs 135 0.15.2. For Mac

    It is tremendously flexible and customizable in letting you design your own way to organize application launchers. Let me be frank; I've been using a Mac every day since 1987. I cannot live without DragThing because I could never get used to using the Dock, which appeared with the first Mac OS X circa 2000 (and I was using developer builds of Mac OS X before the first version went public). While you can configure DragThing to perform many functions, what I use it for is to provide an application menu and an application launcher that behave the same way they did in Apple Macintosh System 7 through Mac OS 9.

    Xchat Aqua Bugs 135 0.15.2. For Mac 2

    That's the way I want it. 1 http://www.dragthing.com/english/about.html.

    1 An indispensable macro tool. Trigger a macro based on a hotkey (overriding the frontmost app if appropriate), typed strings (a la TextExpander, the status of an app, the system waking or your logging in, at certain times or dates, etc. A macro can do pretty much anything you can do manually - manage apps, choose menu items, click on windows or dialog boxes or whatever, display text or Growl or other notifications, etc. including running scripts. Macros can also include flow control (if, while, etc.) for less straightforward tasks (e.g. In Photoshop Cmd Delete deletes the current layer if a layer is selected or the current group of layers if a group is selected). One great use is unifying commands across apps, e.g.

    Have Cmd - zoom out and Cmd = zoom in for every app that supports the concept rather than having to remember how, say, OmniGraffle does it vs Photoshop vs Numbers. Keyboard Maestro enables you to create or record custom macro shortcuts that you can activate at any time. For example, your macros could help you navigate runnings applications or work with an unlimited number of clipboards. Best of all, every macro you create is available using simple keystrokes you choose.

    1 http://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/. 1 MarcoPolo brings context-aware computing to your Mac!

    It allows your computer to determine its context through gathering evidence from your environment (evidence sources), using flexible rule-based fuzzy matching to make an educated guess (rules), and then performing arbitrary actions upon changing context (actions). I use MarcoPolo to run scripts (actions) when I arrive at work, as determined by WiFi hotspots detected or IP addresses assigned (context). 1 http://www.symonds.id.au/marcopolo/. 1 Okay, did a search of all eight pages posted to date, and didn't see 'teleport' listed.

    This little free System Preference gets installed on two computers, and then you can move your cursor off the screen of one, onto the screen of the other. I run a dedicated Mac Mini server, but my main computer is a Mac Pro. I have the server screen above the pro screen, and I can simply move my cursor up to the server, like you'd do with multiple monitors on the same computer. This is so much simpler and easier than using Screen Sharing or other such tools.

    It also copies the clipboard of one computer to the other. This can cause a significant delay if you have something huge on the clipboard. 1 http://abyssoft.com/software/teleport/. 1. I scan all my documents to PDF and use Yep to track & find them. Everything goes to a single target folder, Yep takes care of it. Tag documents.

    Automatically finds all PDF, iWorks, Office, et.al. Documents anywhere on your hard drive. Does not use a database like some similar apps. So I can access documents via finder; move, copy, delete, etc.

    In conjunction with a 2 Yep is a dream to use. 1 2 http://www.fujitsu.com/us/services/computing/peripherals/scanners/scansnap/scansnap-s1500m.html. 1 SparkleShare allows you to create your own DropBox.

    In this way you don't have to pay for more space, if you have your own server, and you don't have to share data with no one else (service provided) except the people you decide. How does it work? SparkleShare creates a special folder on your computer in which projects are kept.

    All projects are automatically synced to their respective hosts (you can have multiple projects connected to different hosts) and to your team's SparkleShare folders when someone adds, removes or edits a file. Why SparkleShare? The idea of SparkleShare sprouted at the GNOME Usability Hackfest in London, where a couple of designers came to the conclusion that they didn't have a good (Open Source) collaboration tool to share their work (for more background, read “The one where the designers ask for a pony”). They didn't like how the good collaboration tools were proprietary, and that using them meant having to give up privacy, control and other rights. What they needed was something that they could run and control themselves, without having to depend on other companies. 1 http://sparkleshare.org/. 1 Very promising successor of The Hit List.

    Description: A HTML5 compliant productivity application From the author: Hub List tries to strike a balance between simplicity and customization. If you’ve every managed a software project then you’ve probably spent more time then you care to admit inside an ugly bug tracking application that a bunch of developers convinced you would make them more productive.

    You probably use another app to manage your business projects and then something else to help you remember all those pesky personal todos like getting your mom a card for mother’s day. Rather than try to replace all those tools Hub List strives to provide real-time two-way integration with all of them so you can be more productive using the tools you already have. Website: 2 1 2 http://hublistapp.com/. 1 In Mac OS 10.6 disk and file sizes are measured in base 10 (one kilobyte is defined as 1000 bytes, one megabyte is defined as 1000 kilobytes, etc.) in Finder and Disk Utility. Unfortunately this has created a lot of inconsistency even when working with Apple’s own programs since most of them still define file sizes in binary units (one kilobyte is defined as 1024 bytes, one megabyte is defined as 1024 kilobytes, etc.).

    This utility will switch the measurement of disk and file sizes in both Finder and Disk Utility back to binary units (or if the measurement has already been switched to binary units it will restore the system back to using base 10 units). After the switch in Snow Leopard I never could get used to read file sizes in Finder with base-10. This application patches the Foundation framework in order to get back base-2 units.

    I can now again compare disk space and file sizes with other operating systems or output from shell tools. 1 http://web.me.com/brkirch/brkirchsSoftware/MacOSXSoftware.html. 1 I use it mostly to rate songs and get Growl to display the currently playing song. From the website: iMote is a simple, elegant, and lightweight program for controlling iTunes from just about any application. Play/pause, change tracks, select playlists, adjust volume, rate tracks, and more using fully customizable hot-keys or a universal menu bar item. IMote includes a beautiful iPod-esque floating window, indicating current track information, and Growl support if you want an even more streamlined experience with your other Growl-enabled applications. Written using Cocoa, iMote is lean and mean, consuming minimal system memory and CPU time.

    IMote is the original iTunes controller. 1 http://www.mkdsoftware.com/imote/. 1 There's a software version as well as the hardware box that creates a cloud server. The software version allows me to set a folder or drive on my Mac and link to it so I can let others access.

    I know there are other ways to do this, but for me the $20 ($30 now, I think) was well spent as the software is simple and no glitches. If you have a good friend and you both agree to leave your computers running, you can use the other's extra drive to store your backup with no monthly fee, just install a decent size drive at the friend's house. 1 http://pogoplug.com/software.

    I just tested this on my MacBook Pro with retina, so the answer is yes and no - at least under Mountain Lion. If you use Java directly from the command line, the answer is yes: it will launch in HiDPI and render text in high resolution.

    Things rendered using Graphics2D will render in high resolution mode. (So if you render a line 0.5 AWT pixels thick and place it at 0.25/0.75 off an AWT pixel, it will render a single 'retinal pixel' thick.) Likewise, rendering an image at half-resolution will render it at 'retinal' resolution. So instead of just g.drawImage(image, x, y, observer) you'd need to do: g.drawImage(image, x, y, image.getWidth(observer)/2, image.getHeight(observer)/2, observer); (Unless you have an odd width/height, in which case you should probably use Graphics2D and just scale(0.5, 0.5) to render a retinal image.) If you use JavaApplicationStub, then you need the answer provided by Matt Solnit, otherwise it will launch in the 'scaled' mode.

    (Under Mountain Lion, there are added hoops to jump through related to Gatekeeper, but that's a different question.) Note that this answer applies to both Mountain Lion and the Apple-provided version of Java for it (Java 1.6.033). It might be different under Oracle's Java 7 for Mac OS X, and it may not work the same way under Lion.

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