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Erd Commander 2008 Isosceles

attribasskep1982 2020. 2. 13. 19:48
  1. Erd Commander 2008 Isosceles Angles
  2. Winternals

Hi, I finally think i found the problem.I first tought it was a problem coming from MS Virtual Pc. But i ran the original ISO of ERD Commander 2003 with it and it worked fine. Then, i thought it could be the cdimage program. But again, it was not it.I finally extracted the original ISO of ERD Commander 2003 and made a bran new one with the files extracted with WinIso. There's the problem!!!Like MS OS, i think that ERD 2003 uses a boot files that's hidden from our sight and somehow, we have to find what it is to make ERD 2003 work.I need your help for that one, since i don't really think that i could create one from a simple boot disk. But, i'm going to search on Barts's Site. I know his good for those.I hope it helped!Magellan456I'll get back to you if i find a final answer to that annoying problem.Between, i anyone knows how to extract an hidden boot file, let me know please.

Erd Commander 2008 Isosceles Angles

It could be really usefull!Thanks. YES!!!I finally made Erd2003 works fine!The bottom line is: DO NOT USE WINISO at all!!!! I think that, somehow, it doesn't do the job correctly. I've been noticing that when i open an iso image from it, it puts everything in capital letters and i think that HEX values needs to be case sensitive to work correctly. So it may be the problem. But then again, i'm not quite sure of this supposition.Anyhow, now the program works fine and after 2 longs days, i won't forget not to use Winiso i think!Farewell Everyone,Magellan456By the way, i used Winrar for the extraction of the iso image of Erd2003.

I thought you might like to know it!

ERD Commander in MSDaRT 6.5. 2 minutes to readIn this articleApplies To: Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset 6.5Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (MSDaRT) 6.5 helps diagnose and repair a system that has trouble starting or has other issues. When you start the system using the Emergency Repair Disk (ERD), also referred to as Boot CD for MSDaRT, a System Recovery Options dialog box appears. A graphical environment and a command-line console are available. The command-line console can be opened by clicking the Command Prompt option in the System Recovery Options menu.


You can access any Windows® 7 or Windows Server® 2008 R2 file system, which includes FAT, FAT32, and NTFS. Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset is available on the System Recovery Options menu. Clicking MSDaRT opens a detailed MSDaRT Tools menu which presents various recovery tools.The following table lists some of the problems that can be solved using the utilities and wizards that are provided in the Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset.